1. Home2. Once Upon A Time3. Victim's Statement4. My Search for Justice5. Descent into Hell6. U.S. Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere7. Nigerian Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere8. Ignored by Federal Agencies9. Ignored by Nigerian Authorities10. Victims' Loss of Child Support11. The Uzamere Family12. Municipal Employees Who Helped Senator Uzamere13. John Gray and Non-Profit Legal Community14. Hall of Shame15. 1st Judicial Blow By African-American Judge Thomas16. Law Firm of Allen E. Kaye17. Too Many Discrepancies...18. Allen E. Kaye And His Diabolical Talmud-Following Minions19. Will Sampson Staff Refuse To Help Identity Fraud Victims?20. Law Office of Gladstein & Messinger21. Patrick Synmoie's Attempts to Hide22. Consulate General of Nigeria23. Strange Chat with Senator Ekweremadu24. Proof of Legal Marriage25. Proof of Illegal Marriage/Identity Fraud26. Senator Uzamere's Attempts to Hide Crimes Will Fail27. The Proof...28. Success -- The Proof Is Finally Here!29. Will Senator Uzamere Evade Child Support Again?30. Nigeria's New Commitment to Protect Child Abandoned by Sen. Uzamere31. Judge Prus -- What Gives?32. Back on Track!33. Eugene Uzamere -- Third Attorney to Break the Law34. Petitioner's Verified Petition35. Supplemental Verified Petition36. Judge Prus Recuses Himself37. Eugene's Failed Attempt to Thwart Justice38. Kate Ezomo -- Diabolical Liar39. Letters of Complaint Against Kate Ezomo40. My Factual Response to Imaginary Cousin Godwin41. Federal Action Against Defendant Dismissed42. Open Letters to the FBI43. Open Letter to All U.S. Judges44. Open Letter to Ehigie and Eugene45. Tara's Affidavit46. $100,000,000.00 Lawsuit Against Corrupt Fiduciaries47. Will Fiduciaries Settle?48. New York City Defrauds Disabled Schvartze49. There Is No Cousin Godwin!50. Warning Letter to Governor and Chief Justice of New York State51. Deprived of Child Support by Allen Kaye52. Can International Agency Help?53. Chief Judge Wood's Court54. Will NYS' Dept. Disc. Committee and Commission on Judicial Conduct Be Corrupted?55. Subpoena Planned for Judge Garaufis56. No Negotiations for Justice...Justice is Owed!57. Will Attorneys Sign Affirmation?58. Am I Finally Being Taken Seriously?59. Evidentiary Hearing is Scheduled!60. Amy Feinstein Refuses to Prosecute!61. Robert Juceam's Useless Excuses62. Appellate Brief pages 24 to end63. No Justice -- No Peace!64. Happy Birthday My Beautiful Angel65. Are You A Victim of A Green Card Marriage Scam?66. End Green Card Marriage Sponsorship67. How to Report an Immigration Scammer and the Attorney68. Is The End Finally in Sight?69. Will Appellate Division Justices Decide Fairly?70. What Will NYSCJC's Response Be?71. How Will NYSDDC Respond?72. Will Obama's Administration Coerce Helpless Schvartze's Silence73. Will U.S. Department of State's Secretary Rise To The Challenge?74. Eugene Uzamere Calls It Quits75. Bigot Judge Sunshine Continues Courtroom Corruption76. Schvartze's Complaints Still Ignored By Appellate Division's White Judiciary77. More Talmudic Bias and Anti-Schvartze Racism At SDNY78. Senator Uzamere...You Are The Husband!79. Will U.S. Solicitor General Office Look On Idly?80. What will SCOTUS Do?81. Why did they disobey?82. Cabranes' Fraud Upon The Court83. Is Hinds-Radix Their 'Secret' Weapon?84. New York State Lawsuit for Fraud85. Judge Sunshine Is A Loser86. Judge Sunshine Out of Options87. Petitioner Prepares Request for Rehearing...88. Petition for Rehearing89. Loser Sunshine's Last Hurrah90. Lawsuit Against Daily News and Scott Shifrel91. Mort Zuckerman's Bigoted Tabloid92. Corruption at Nassau County Supreme Court and Nassau County Clerk93. Judge Scuccimarra Ruling94. Defendants Have Defaulted95. Will Judge Parga Accepts Anne Carroll's Drivel Because Defendants Are Rich Jews?96. New York and Anne B. Carroll97. Lawsuit Against President98. Will Obama Listen?99. Open Letter to Al Jazeera, President Obama and Judge Allegra100. More Court Shenanigans?101. Howard U. Schmokescreen102. Into the fire...103. What Will The New York State Division of Human Rights Do?104. Housing Court Corruption105. Mayor Bloomberg's Finest106. FEGS in Criminal Conspiracy107. FEGS Gave Victim No Choice108. What Will The New York State Supreme Court Do?109. What Will Court of Claims Do?110. Abuse of Religion Not New111. How Wicked Are They?112. What Lies???113. Federal Lawsuit114. Disastrous Results to Appeal115. Judge Garaufis' Discriminatory Decision116. Garaufis' Talmudic Shenanigans117. FOIA Hiding Evidence118. Congressional Testimony119. Unintelligible Complaint of Rachel G. Yohalem120. Uzamere v. USA, et al121. Judicial Whores Willy and Patty122. Uzamere v. USA123. Find an Unbiased Court124. U.S. Government Blacklists Own Citizens125. Appellate Brief First Circuit126. U.S. Government Hides Prosecution127. A Jewish RICO128. Jews' Demonic Doctrine -- Law of the Moser129. Mishkin Yanks His Own Nuts130. Will African American Victim of Grand Laceny Receive Justice?131. Judicial Ethics Hypocrite132. Jew Shenanigans Involved in Random Selection of Morally Compromised Judge133. Please save my family!134. Psychopaths135. Jewish Paradigm Put Jews on Top136. Pretender Bharara137. Int'l Complaint Against Israel, United States and Nigeria138. Memorial of Impeachment139. A Real Man


 Judge Sandra A. Feuerstein and Media Magnate Mortimer Zuckerman:
Demonic Psychopaths





Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder/Psychopath
(previously known as Moral Insanity)

Sandra A. Feuerstein

Mortimer Zuckerman

  • Glibness/superficial charm

  • Grandiose sense of self worth

  • Pathological lying, cunning/manipulative

  • Lack of remorse or guilt

  • Emotionally shallow, callous/lack of empathy

  • Failure to accept, responsibility for own actions

  • Parasitic lifestyle

  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals

  • Impulsivity irresponsibility

  • Poor behavioral controls

  • Criminal versatility

  • Glibness/superficial charm

  • Grandiose sense of self worth

  • Pathological lying, cunning/manipulative

  • Lack of remorse or guilt

  • Emotionally shallow, callous/lack of empathy

  • Failure to accept, responsibility for own actions

  • Parasitic lifestyle

  • Impulsivity irresponsibility

  • Poor behavioral controls

  • Criminal versatility

  • Many short-term relationships

Acts that Are Suggestive of Psychopathy (psychopath's body count)
(inclusive of psychological references explaining dysfunctional behavior to symptom)

Psychopath Mortimer Zuckerman

Uses Media to Attack Gentiles; Lacks Empathy/Compassion; Is a Liar of Gross, Petty and Easily Disproved Lies 

LI, Witness to history Retired Daily News photographer tells all about five-decade career: In 1993, real-estate mogul Mort Zuckerman bought the Daily News. His relations with staff immediately soured. Zuckerman, who was in contract talks with the Daily News's unions, threatened to fire the 540-member staff. Few believed him. In the end, he let 180 workers go. Many were long-time staffers.,10053?page=4& content_source=   

The Fall of Barack Obama: Looking back over his year in office, any reasonably precocious fourth grader could make a cogent argument in opposition to nearly everything he's done. Read more at:

Clutch Magazine on Line, Did the Daily News Go To Far By Publishing Photo of Sasha Obama: The NY Daily News isn’t exactly a national media outlet known for its integrity and its comment section is pretty much a cesspool of racism and sexism. So it doesn’t shock me that they published a photo of Sasha Obama that could be considered a bit risque and inappropriate. The photo in question was taken while Sasha Obama, 12, was visiting the New York City neighborhood of Soho, with friends and a security detail. The photo is pretty much a “back-shot” of the photo posted above.    

Bully Pulpit, Tuesday, July 13, 2010; Mort Zuckerman Admits He Helped Write One Of Obama's Speeches; Were White House Officials Ready To Expose Collaboration? – New York media mogul Mort Zuckerman told Fox News' Neil Cavuto he helped write one of President Obama's speeches. When pressed, he would not reveal which one. Not disclosing this fact opens Zuckerman's various news publications up to serious conflict of interest accusations., Mort Zuckerman 'Clarifies' Claim About Helping Write Obama Speech – Media mogul Mort Zuckerman is “clarifying” his claim that he helped write one of Barack Obama's speeches, after White House speech writers said they had never met or spoken to him. He merely meant... uhh... that he supports Obama or something? Mort Zuckerman Did Not Help Write Any of Obama's Speeches – Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman was on Fox pundit Neil Cavuto's show on Monday, talking….

Daily News: Judge's vicious cycle: Shame on Justice Paul Wooten who ruled 4-year-old girl liable in lawsuit. Saturday, October 30, 2010, 4:00 AM, – It was famously written by Charles Dickens that "the law is a ass - a idiot." And so, too often, is the judge.

Daily News, November 5, 2009; Hate-Spewing Wacko Goes Into Fit In Court: A woman suing her Nigerian husband for millions started screaming and ripping off her clothes before her arraignment on Wednesday on charges of threatening to kill a Brooklyn judge.    

Cheryl D. Uzamere, 50, known around courthouse circles for her anti-Semitic screeds against judges and others, was declared mentally unfit and taken to Bellevue for observation.

"You're going to pay for taking food out of my daughter's mouth," said a twisted message Uzamere left on the answering machine of Justice Jeffrey S. Sunshine, who is hearing her child support case, according to court documents.

She also told the state inspector general she would "put on a disguise and shoot the judge in the head," a source said.

Uzamere, of East New York, is accused of threatening Sunshine since March, sending faxes that call him a "stupid son-of-a-bitch and a racist” who should be “jailed and raped."    

Uzamere, who represents herself, has already gotten four Brooklyn judges removed from her case since it was filed in 2007.

“Oh, she's a smart person and she really knows how to use the system," said one courthouse source. "She comes in here and files all these papers and threatens people.”

Uzamere was in a Criminal Court holding cell when she started stripping and screaming about her “senator" husband in Nigeria loud enough to be heard in the courtroom.    

The senator, however, is a cousin of her actual ex-husband, Godwin Uzamere, according to an affidavit he filed in Supreme Court.

“Her obsession with his destruction has taken her mental ailment to a new level which should not be encouraged," Godwin Uzamere's affidavit said.

Cheryl Uzamere was arrested on Tuesday on charges of aggravated harassment and faces a year in jail.

Sandra A. Feuerstein

Engaged in illegally contacting defendants of a lawsuit in which the plaintiff had not exhausted the 120 days to serve process on the defendants.



Factor 1Facet 1: Interpersonal

    Facet 2: Affective


Factor 2
Facet 3: Lifestyle

Facet 4: Antisocial

Other items

Glibness/superficial charm

Grandiose sense of self worth

Pathological lying


Lack of remorse or guilt

Emotionally shallow
Callous/lack of empathy

Failure to accept
responsibility for own

Need for stimulation/ proneness to boredom

Parasitic lifestyle

Lack of realistic, long-term goals

Impulsivity irresponsibility

Poor behavioral controls

Early behavioral problems

Juvenile delinquency

Revocation of conditional release

Criminal versatility

Many short-term marital relationships

Promiscuous sexual behavior


Early factor analysis of the PCL-R indicated it consisted of two factors. Factor 1 captures traits dealing with the interpersonal and affective deficits of psychopathy (e.g., shallow affect, superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of empathy) whereas factor 2 dealt with symptoms relating to antisocial behavior: (e.g., criminal versatility, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, poor behavior controls, juvenile deliquency).

The two factors have been found by those following this theory to display different correlates. Factor 1 has been correlated with narcissistic personality disorder, low anxiety, low empathy, low stress reaction and low suicide risk but high scores on scales of achievement and social potency. In addition, the use of item response theory analysis of female offender PCL-R scores indicates factor 1 items are more important in measuring and generalizing the construct of psychopathy in women than factor-2 items.

In contrast, factor 2 was found to be related to antisocial personality disorder, social deviance, sensation seeking, low socioeconomic status and high risk of suicide. The two factors are nonetheless highly correlated and there are strong indications they do result from a single underlying disorder. Research, however, has failed to replicate the two-factor model in female samples.

Recent statistical analysis using confirmatory factory analysis by Cooke and Michie indicated a three-factor structure, with those items from factor 2 strictly relating to antisocial behavior (criminal versatility, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, early behavioral problems and poor behavioral controls) removed from the final model. The remaining items are divided into three factors: arrogant and deceitful interpersonal style, deficient affective experience and impulsive and irresponsible behavioral style.

In the most recent edition of the PCL-R, Hare adds a fourth antisocial behavior factor, consisting of those factor-2 items excluded in the previous model. Again, these models are presumed to be hierarchical with a single, unified psychopathy disorder underlying the distinct but correlated factors




Humane Quality


Relevant statutory and case law that support nondiscriminatory use of humane quality


Judaic Doctrine's Statement
that creates/supports psychopaths

Humans Must Show Love, Empathy, Compassion, Mercy to Other Humans

Leviticus 19:33: “If a foreigner resides with you in your land, you must not mistreat him. 34 The foreigner who resides with you should become to you like a native among you; and you must love him as yourself, for you were foreign residents in the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God.”

Exodus 22:21 “You must not mistreat a foreign resident or oppress him, a for you were foreign residents in the land of Egypt. “You must not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you afflict him at all, so that he cries out to me, I will unfailingly hear his outcry; and my anger will blaze, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives will become widows, and your children will be fatherless. 

“It is also stated (Exodus 23:4): "If you meet your enemy's ox or his ass going astray, you shall surely bring it back to him.”

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.   

N.Y. PEP. LAW § 252 : NY Code - Section 252: Found property and found instruments to be deposited with police; penalty for failure to deliver to police; delivery to persons in possession of premises where found.

Except as provided in subdivision five of section two hundred fifty-six of this chapter or as otherwise prescribed pursuant to section two hundred fifty of the general municipal law, any person who finds lost property of the value of twenty dollars or more or comes into possession of property of the value of twenty dollars or more with knowledge that it is lost property or found property shall, within ten days after the finding or acquisition of possession thereof, either return it to the owner or report such finding or acquisition of possession and deposit such property in a police station or police headquarters of the city where the finding occurred or possession was acquired.

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Abodah Zarah, Folio 26a: Our rabbis taught: An Israelite woman should not act as midwife to heathen, because she delivers a child to idolatry. . .” 

Law Regarding Returning a Gentile's Lost Item: the Maharshal wrote in Yam shel Sholomo, chapter 10 of Bava Kama, section 20: "G-d desires a man's heart [aspiration to worship Him], therefore [one may do it] if this is his intention [to sanctify G-d's name], however if his intention is that he, and not the faith of Israel, should be praised, or because he loves the Gentile and has mercy on him, it is forbidden [to return the Gentile's lost item].”) en_gentiles3.html#f2

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, 52b: The manner in which burning is executed is as follows: he who had been thus condemned was lowered into dung up to his armpits, then a hard cloth was placed within a soft one, wound round his neck, and the two loose ends pulled in opposite directions, forcing him to open his mouth. A wick was then lit, and thrown into his mouth, so that it descended into his body and burnt his bowels. R. Judah said: should he however have died at their hands [being strangled by the bandage before the wick was thrown into his mouth, or before it could act], he would not have been executed by fire as prescribed. Hence it was done thus: his mouth was forced open with pincers against his wish, the wick lit and thrown into his mouth, so that it descended into his body and burnt his bowels. sanhedrin/ san he drin_52.html

The Sages consider decapitation to be the most hideous way to die because it so disfigures the corpse. In contrast, Jews who commit idolatry are stoned. (23)To see footnotes, please follow link at the bottom of the excerpt. 

Mishnah. Execution by the sword was performed thus: the condemned man was decapitated by the sword, as is done by the civil authorities. R. Judah said: this is a hideous disfigurement; but his head was laid on a block and severed with an axe. They replied, no death is more disfiguring than this. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 52b. 

“Grunts” Push for Decaptitation: If it seems fantastic that decapitations might be carried out in the US, the reader's attention is called to the July 26, 2003 edition of Defense Watch (“The Voice of the Grunt”). In an article entitled "Anti-Terror Weapon: Off With Their Heads," Robert G. Williscroft argues that the US military decapitate “terrorists.” 

We should have beheaded Saddam's monster sons, and placed their pigskin-draped heads atop long poles in the center of Baghdad. Then, one by one, as we capture other high-ranking members of the old regime, their pigskin-draped heads should join the rotting heads of the Hussein brothers. Of course, all of the “terrorists” so far are Gentiles. And once decaptition is used by American officials on Iraqi Gentiles, the precedent is established. Decapitation becomes an American practice, and may be used other Gentiles as well.

Equal Protection Under the Law Discrimination Based on Genetics Outlawed

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 

Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967): Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival.... To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discrimination. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State.” The court concluded that anti-miscegenation laws were racist and had been enacted to perpetuate white supremacy. 

“There is patently no legitimate overriding purpose independent of invidious racial discrimination which justifies this classification. The fact that Virginia prohibits only interracial marriages involving white persons demonstrates that the racial classifications must stand on their own justification, as measures designed to maintain White Supremacy.

Number 15:15-16 says: “You who are of the congregation and the alien resident who is residing as an alien resident will have one statute. It will be a statute to time indefinite for your generations. The alien resident should prove to be the same as you before Jehovah. There should prove to be one law and one judicial decision for you and for the alien resident who is residing as an alien with you.”

Lynne Stewart: Her Agency Was The Genocide of Jews and Christians: Contact Stewart Judge: No White Skin Privilege for Lynne. ( This website has since been taken over).

Jews Are Superior to Gentiles; Gentiles are Inferior to Jews; Law for Jews and Gentiles Are Unequal

“In contrast, Talmud law insists on unequal justice under law. Talmudic law holds there is one law for Jews, and one for Gentiles. This is not inconsistent with the Old Testament, in which LORD God decrees that Jews should not enslave other Jews: Gentiles are the proper slaves of Jews.

Talmud law also provides that Jews and non-Jews be judged by dramatically different standards. For example, in capital cases, 23 judges must sit in judg-ment on a Jew; two eyewitnesses must have witnessed the offense, and warned him of the potential penalty. In contrast, a Gentile gets one judge, and is convicted on the testimony of one eyewitness with no warnings. See US v. TalmudLaw. editor/ capunish _4 .html.

Artsot Ha-Hayyim by Dov Ber Schwartz, page 52a and 52b: “In 1992 a book was published by a leading member of the Satmar community entitled Artzot Ha-Hayyim. On p. 52 he explains, and quotes other rabbis, that the reason Abraham Lincoln was killed was because he freed >the blacks. this is also the reason why Kennedy was killed, i.e. because he was good to the blacks. He continues by saying that this will be the fate of any who adopt a progressive attitude towards blacks, because they are meant to be enslaved. His source for this is Ham's curse. . .”

Legends of the Jews - Ginsburg, Vol. 1, p. 169: “The descendants of Ham through Canaan therefore have red eyes, because Ham looked upon the nakedness of his father; they have misshapen lips, because Ham spoke with his lips to his brothers about the unseemly condition of his father; they have twisted curly hair, because Ham turned and twisted his head round to see the nakedness of his father; and they go about naked, because Ham did not cover the nakedness of his father. Thus he was requited, for it is the way of G-d to mete out punishment measure for measure.”

Midrash Rabbah (Soncino) Vol. 1, p. 293: “AND HE SAID: CURSED BE CANAAN (Breishit 9:25): (Commentary omitted). . .R. Huna also said in R. Joseph's name: You [i.e. Noah is speaking to Ham) have prevented me from doing something in the dark [i.e. cohabiting with his wife], therefore your seed will be ugly and dark-skinned. R. Chiyya said: Ham and the dog copulated in the Ark, therefore Ham came forth black-skinned while the dog publicly exposed its copulation.”

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio p. 745, 108b , p. 745, 108b (Soncino): “Our Rabbis taught: Three copulated in the ark, and they were all punished - the dog, the raven and Ham. The dog was doomed to be tied, the raven expectorates [his seed into his mate's mouth], and Ham was smitten in his skin." (This is footnoted and the footnote reads: "I.e., from him was descended Cush (the negro), who is black-skinned.”

“The curse of Ham was something I learned of as a child and could not understand its origin from the words in Genesis. The curse of Ham was widely used by slave owners in the South to justify the enslavement of blacks. In my studies of slavery I was unable to find the basis. Only when I began studying Torah and various commentaries did I find the source. Somehow the rabbinic commentaries made their way into Christian culture and became an underpinning for anti-black racism.”

“Marc Shapiro writes: How to defeat racism? Torah is obviously not the answer since so many Jews who spend their whole lives immersed in Torah are racists.”

Truth, Honesty, Legal, Judiciall Transparency

18 U.S. Code §4 - Misprision of felony – Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Roberts v. United States, 445 U.S. 552 (1980), “Concealment of crime has been condemned throughout our history. The citizen's duty to “raise the hue and cry” and report felonies to the authorities, Branzburg v. Hayes, 408 U. S. 665, 408 U. S. 696 (1972), was an established tenet of Anglo-Saxon law. . .”

Exodus 20:16: “You must not testify falsely when you are a witness against your fellow man.” 

Leviticus 19:16: "You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering.”

Deuteronomy 19:16-21: “In case a witness scheming violence should rise up against a man to bring a charge of revolt against him, the two men who have the dispute must also stand before Jehovah, ... and if the witness is a false witness and has brought a false charge ... you must also do to him just as he had schemed to do ... and you must clear away what is bad from your midst. So those who remain will hear and be afraid, and they will never again do anything bad like this in your midst. And your eye should not feel sorry, soul will be for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”

Leviticus 5:1 says: "Now in case a soul sins…and he is a witness or he has seen it or has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must for his error."

Leviticus 6 1-5: Jehovah went on to say to Moses: 2 “If someone sins and behaves unfaithfully toward Jehovah by deceiving his neighbor in connection with something entrusted to him,d or something deposited with him, or he robs or defrauds his neighbor, 3 or he finds something lost and is deceptive about it, and if he swears falsely over any such sin he may commit,e this is what he should do: If he has sinned and is guilty, he must return what he stole, what he extorted, what he took by fraud, what was entrusted to him, or the lost thing that he found, or anything about which he swore falsely, and he must make full compensation for it, and he will add to it a fifth of its value. He will give it to the owner on the day his guilt is proved. 

Leviticus 18:11 “You must not steal, you must not deceive, and you must not deal falsely with one another.

Leviticus 18:12: “You must not swear to a lie in my name and thus profane the name of your God. I am Jehovah.”

Leviticus 18:13: “You must not defraud your fellow man, and you must not rob. “You must not curse a deaf man or put an obstacle before a blind man, and you must be in fear of your God. I am Jehovah.”

Leviticus 18:15: “You must not be unjust in your judgment. You must not show partiality to the poor or show preference to the rich. With justice you should judge your fellow man.”

Leviticus 18:16: “You must not go around spreading slander among your people. You must not stand up against the life of your fellow man. I am Jehovah.”

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Abodah Zarah, Folio 26B: R. Abbahu recited to R. Johanan: 'Idolaters and [Jewish] shepherds of small cattle need not be brought up though they must not be cast in, but minim, informers, and apostates may be cast in, and need not be brought up. http://www.come-and-hear/. Com/ zarah/ zarah_26. H tml # PARTb. 

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Baba Kamma, Folio 113A: "Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law'; so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens justify him and say [to the other party:] 'This is your law'; but if this can not be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him." 

Informing on Fellow Jews Who Commit Crimes, by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde: the Talmud recounts - in a number of places - that it is prohibited to inform on Jews to the secular government, even when their conduct is a violation of secular law..:

The High Price Of Inaction – Mondrowitz Part 2, English: . . . "It is very hard for me to understand why they protected him. Now I understand that there were too many rabbis who did the same thing. It destroyed the children; even those who remained alive are not really living. It is hard for me to believe that he didn't do it to children in Israel, too, because it's a sickness. Why didn't the police arrest him long ago? Never in my life have I had such a strong urge to kill someone as with this man. The only way to deal with him is by cutting off you know what, and do it very slowly. Let it hurt him, let him suffer like the gentle and pure children whose lives he destroyed. That is the pain I want him to feel.” In order to prevent more Mondrowitzs and more Kolkos, we need to take this to a higher level, we need to take the next step, we need to make sure the rabbis who initiated criminal conspiracies to intimidate victims and witnesses are brought to justice. . .”

“The Sages consider decapitation to be the most hideous way to die because it so disfigures the corpse. In contrast, Jews who commit idolatry are stoned.” 

Mishnah:    Execution by the sword was performed thus: the condemned man was decapitated by the sword, as is done by the civil authorities. R. Judah said: this is a hideous disfigurement; but his head was laid on a block and severed with an axe. They replied, no death is more disfiguring than this. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 52b.

“Grunts” Push for Decapitation: If it seems fantastic that decapitations might be carried out in the US, the reader's attention is called to the July 26, 2003 edition of Defense Watch (“The Voice of the Grunt”). In an article entitled "Anti-Terror Weapon: Off With Their Heads," Robert G. Williscroft argues that the US military decapitate “terrorists.” 

We should have beheaded Saddam's monster sons, and placed their pigskin-draped heads atop long poles in the center of Baghdad. Then, one by one, as we capture other high-ranking members of the old regime, their pigskin-draped heads should join the rotting heads of the Hussein brothers. Of course, all of the “terrorists” so far are Gentiles. And once decapitation is used by American officials on Iraqi Gentiles, the precedent is established. Decapitation becomes an American practice, and may be used other Gentiles as well.