1. Home2. Once Upon A Time3. Victim's Statement4. My Search for Justice5. Descent into Hell6. U.S. Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere7. Nigerian Laws Violated by Senator Uzamere8. Ignored by Federal Agencies9. Ignored by Nigerian Authorities10. Victims' Loss of Child Support11. The Uzamere Family12. Municipal Employees Who Helped Senator Uzamere13. John Gray and Non-Profit Legal Community14. Hall of Shame15. 1st Judicial Blow By African-American Judge Thomas16. Law Firm of Allen E. Kaye17. Too Many Discrepancies...18. Allen E. Kaye And His Diabolical Talmud-Following Minions19. Will Sampson Staff Refuse To Help Identity Fraud Victims?20. Law Office of Gladstein & Messinger21. Patrick Synmoie's Attempts to Hide22. Consulate General of Nigeria23. Strange Chat with Senator Ekweremadu24. Proof of Legal Marriage25. Proof of Illegal Marriage/Identity Fraud26. Senator Uzamere's Attempts to Hide Crimes Will Fail27. The Proof...28. Success -- The Proof Is Finally Here!29. Will Senator Uzamere Evade Child Support Again?30. Nigeria's New Commitment to Protect Child Abandoned by Sen. Uzamere31. Judge Prus -- What Gives?32. Back on Track!33. Eugene Uzamere -- Third Attorney to Break the Law34. Petitioner's Verified Petition35. Supplemental Verified Petition36. Judge Prus Recuses Himself37. Eugene's Failed Attempt to Thwart Justice38. Kate Ezomo -- Diabolical Liar39. Letters of Complaint Against Kate Ezomo40. My Factual Response to Imaginary Cousin Godwin41. Federal Action Against Defendant Dismissed42. Open Letters to the FBI43. Open Letter to All U.S. Judges44. Open Letter to Ehigie and Eugene45. Tara's Affidavit46. $100,000,000.00 Lawsuit Against Corrupt Fiduciaries47. Will Fiduciaries Settle?48. New York City Defrauds Disabled Schvartze49. There Is No Cousin Godwin!50. Warning Letter to Governor and Chief Justice of New York State51. Deprived of Child Support by Allen Kaye52. Can International Agency Help?53. Chief Judge Wood's Court54. Will NYS' Dept. Disc. Committee and Commission on Judicial Conduct Be Corrupted?55. Subpoena Planned for Judge Garaufis56. No Negotiations for Justice...Justice is Owed!57. Will Attorneys Sign Affirmation?58. Am I Finally Being Taken Seriously?59. Evidentiary Hearing is Scheduled!60. Amy Feinstein Refuses to Prosecute!61. Robert Juceam's Useless Excuses62. Appellate Brief pages 24 to end63. No Justice -- No Peace!64. Happy Birthday My Beautiful Angel65. Are You A Victim of A Green Card Marriage Scam?66. End Green Card Marriage Sponsorship67. How to Report an Immigration Scammer and the Attorney68. Is The End Finally in Sight?69. Will Appellate Division Justices Decide Fairly?70. What Will NYSCJC's Response Be?71. How Will NYSDDC Respond?72. Will Obama's Administration Coerce Helpless Schvartze's Silence73. Will U.S. Department of State's Secretary Rise To The Challenge?74. Eugene Uzamere Calls It Quits75. Bigot Judge Sunshine Continues Courtroom Corruption76. Schvartze's Complaints Still Ignored By Appellate Division's White Judiciary77. More Talmudic Bias and Anti-Schvartze Racism At SDNY78. Senator Uzamere...You Are The Husband!79. Will U.S. Solicitor General Office Look On Idly?80. What will SCOTUS Do?81. Why did they disobey?82. Cabranes' Fraud Upon The Court83. Is Hinds-Radix Their 'Secret' Weapon?84. New York State Lawsuit for Fraud85. Judge Sunshine Is A Loser86. Judge Sunshine Out of Options87. Petitioner Prepares Request for Rehearing...88. Petition for Rehearing89. Loser Sunshine's Last Hurrah90. Lawsuit Against Daily News and Scott Shifrel91. Mort Zuckerman's Bigoted Tabloid92. Corruption at Nassau County Supreme Court and Nassau County Clerk93. Judge Scuccimarra Ruling94. Defendants Have Defaulted95. Will Judge Parga Accepts Anne Carroll's Drivel Because Defendants Are Rich Jews?96. New York and Anne B. Carroll97. Lawsuit Against President98. Will Obama Listen?99. Open Letter to Al Jazeera, President Obama and Judge Allegra100. More Court Shenanigans?101. Howard U. Schmokescreen102. Into the fire...103. What Will The New York State Division of Human Rights Do?104. Housing Court Corruption105. Mayor Bloomberg's Finest106. FEGS in Criminal Conspiracy107. FEGS Gave Victim No Choice108. What Will The New York State Supreme Court Do?109. What Will Court of Claims Do?110. Abuse of Religion Not New111. How Wicked Are They?112. What Lies???113. Federal Lawsuit114. Disastrous Results to Appeal115. Judge Garaufis' Discriminatory Decision116. Garaufis' Talmudic Shenanigans117. FOIA Hiding Evidence118. Congressional Testimony119. Unintelligible Complaint of Rachel G. Yohalem120. Uzamere v. USA, et al121. Judicial Whores Willy and Patty122. Uzamere v. USA123. Find an Unbiased Court124. U.S. Government Blacklists Own Citizens125. Appellate Brief First Circuit126. U.S. Government Hides Prosecution127. A Jewish RICO128. Jews' Demonic Doctrine -- Law of the Moser129. Mishkin Yanks His Own Nuts130. Will African American Victim of Grand Laceny Receive Justice?131. Judicial Ethics Hypocrite132. Jew Shenanigans Involved in Random Selection of Morally Compromised Judge133. Please save my family!134. Psychopaths135. Jewish Paradigm Put Jews on Top136. Pretender Bharara137. Int'l Complaint Against Israel, United States and Nigeria138. Memorial of Impeachment139. A Real Man

Howard U's Civil Rights Staff Create Schmokescreen; discriminates against identity fraud victim based on her
mental status
Professor Taslitz:  Assuming that you are an Ashkenazi, please answer the following questions:
  1. Do my allegations regarding the facilitation of immigration and identity fraud by fellow Ashkenazi attorneys Allen E. Kaye, Harvey Shapiro and Bernard Rostanski (see below) appear to be true (especially considering that they have not sued me for defamation per se?
  2. If so, and if 18 USC 3290 could be used to prosecute the aforesaid attorneys, would you assist in doing so if you were called on to do so?  Have you ever assisted in the prosecution, indictment, trial and conviction of any member of the Ashkenazim when the plaintiff was a non-Ashkenazi?  If you were called upon to do so, would you assist in the prosecution of an Ashkenazi if the plaintiff was a non-Ashkenazi?
  3. Have you litigated a case (criminal or civil) in which the defendant is an Ashkenazi, the plaintiff is a non-Ashkenazi, the judge was a non-Ashkenazi, and the Ashkenazi defendant lost the case? (Calling me "anti-Semitic", "mentally ill" or other silly names like a menstruating female is a sissified attempt at willness blindness.  Whether I am mentally ill, a hater of Jews or any other dumb-assed name that accentuates my social position over my legal status is not relevant.  Either I am telling the truth, or I am not.)
 kurt_schmoke.jpg aderson_francois.jpgBenjaminToddJealous.jpg alsharpton.jpg 
 " Hell, we're getting funding from the Ashkenazim, so if we have to keep silent
and let members of the Ashkenazi community violate the rights of a few niggers,
that's okay with me!...the true words of not-for-profit, "civil rights" (what a joke!) "funding whores."
Ashkenazim's Faithful Schvartze Lap Dogs -- with "licenses" -- not to challenge law, but to be obedient to their Ashkenazi funders -- even if members of that community violate the rights of helpless blacks (remember: it is quite common for an obedient dog to be associated with a license -- but the license belongs to the owner).
  • Misleads disabled identity fraud by dispensing useless/untrue legal referral information
  • Receipt of Ashkenazi-Jewish funding is its real reason not to help disabled identity fraud victim oppressed by Ashkenazi judiciary's determination not to bring corrupt Ashkenazi attorneys Kaye, Shapiro and Rostanski to justice
  • Use identity fraud's victim's mental status to pretend that her allegations are not true;
  • Ashkenazi-Jewish television and radio news outlets will only report if disabled, non-Ashkenazi identity fraud victim is made to appear anti-Semitic and corrupt, immigration/identity fraud facilitating Ashkenazi attorneys Kaye, Shapiro and Rostanski are made to appear to be the victims
  • NAACP, National Action Network and other African-American civil rights groups will not assist blacks whose constitutional rights are violated by Ashkenazi Jews because the Ashkenazim are a funding source
(Please note:  It is not illegal or anti-Semitic to bring an Ashkenazi-Jew to justice who has violated the law)

Vicarious liability is a form of strict, secondary liability that arises under the common law doctrine of agencyrespondeat superior – the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their subordinate, or, in a broader sense, the responsibility of any third party that had the "right, ability or duty to control" the activities of a violator.

Willful blindness (sometimes called ignorance of law, willful ignorance or contrived ignorance or Nelsonian knowledge) is a term used in law to describe a situation in which an individual seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally putting himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts which would render him liable. For example, in a number of cases, persons transporting packages containing illegal drugs have asserted that they never asked what the contents of the packages were, and therefore lacked the requisite intent to break the law. Such defenses have not succeeded, as courts have been quick to determine that the defendant should have known what was in the package, and exercised criminal recklessness by failing to find out.

A famous example of such a defense being denied occurred in In re Aimster Copyright Litigation, 334 F.3d 643 (7th Cir. 2003) , in which the defendants argued that their file-swapping technology was designed in such a way that they had no way of monitoring the content of swapped files, and suggested that their inability to monitor the activities of users meant that they could not be contributing to copyright infringement by the users. The court held that this was willful blindness on the defendant's part, and would not constitute a defense to a claim of contributory infringement.

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Letter of Complaint to Washington Disciplinary Committee

                                                                                         September 17, 2010

Katherine A. Mazzaferri
Executive Director
The District of Columbia Bar
1101 K Street NW, Suite 200
Washington DC 20005-4210

Dear Ms. Mazzaferri:

     First, please allow me to state unequivocally that rage based on my belief that my rights were violated by an attorney at Howard University is an absolute motivating factor in the preparation of this correspondence. I assure you, however, that in spite of my rage, I have not, and will not participate in the defamation of any of the attorneys who I believe are responsible for disobeying federal law, specifically, 18 USC $4, misprision of felony, and for causing the intentional infliction of emotional distress based on knowingly providing me with legal referrals for which I allege that they knew or should have known that I am not eligible.

     Secondly, while I file this complaint against three attorneys associated with Howard University, two of the attorneys were not actively involved with what I alleged to be the subordinate attorney's indiscretion in handling my case. With the two supervisory attorneys, I rely on the legal principle of “respondeat superior – the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their subordinate, or, in a broader sense, the responsibility of any third party that had the "right, ability or duty to control" the activities of a violator.” In addition, I have uploaded this correspondence to I did this to give Dean Schmoke, Aberson François and the unidentified employee from HUSL's Civil Rights Clinic a chance to publicly defend themselves.

     On September 16, 2010, I traveled all the way from Brooklyn, New York to Washington, D.C to speak with someone at Howard University with regard to my being a victim of an ongoing federal crime involving what I allege to be the encroachment of the Ashkenazi-Jewish religion into judicial affairs. I spoke with a woman at the Civil Rights Clinic whose name I do not now remember. I provided the woman with several legal documents that establish irrefutable proof of my allegations.

     The woman refused to offer Howard University's legal services based on her saying that the school could not offer services to New Yorkers for legal issues stemming from New York – even if the issues are federal in nature. In addition, the woman, who I allege to be an attorney, provided me with referral information for which I believe that I am not eligible.

     That I am a victim of an ongoing federal crimes is not speculation. I have provided proof of my assertions. I allege that because of one, some or all of Howard University's funding sources are Ashkenazi Jewish, and that Howard U. in a position where, if a prospective client complaints that his/her rights were violated by someone who is a member of the Ashkenazi Jewish community, Howard U. will not take the case. In addition, I believe that with regard to the woman with whom I spoke, I alleged that my attempts to “play attorney” garnered disrespect and spite that resulted in the attorney's giving me useless legal referrals. As an attorney, she knew or should have known that the information that she gave me was useless. In “ghetto”, vernacular, she was “bitchy.”

     The fact is, I do not expect that you will do much – or anything at all. I expect that, as in other cases, the Ashkenazi-Jewish employees at your office have more power than non-Ashkenazi employees and will require your absolute obedience in not responding to my complaint, lest you lose your job and your reputation. The Ashkenazi-Jewish community has that kind of power – and they are ruthless. If you do not believe me, please view the web page that I mentioned in this correspondence. Among other documents for which Ashkenazi-Jewish immigration attorneys Allen E. Kaye, Harvey Shapiro and Bernard Rostanski facilitated my ex-husband's immigration and identity fraud is my daughter's birth certificate. My daughter's birth certificate has borne the fictitious name “Godwin Uzamere from her birth until today. My daughter is 29 years old.

     The crimes I reported to Howard U. require persons to obey 18 USC §4 and report federal crimes. The woman against whom I file this report failed to do so, and her supervisors, Aberson François and Dean Schmoke, failed to ensure that the unknown employee did her job.

     While I understand that your agency will in all probability not do anything, I am not in fear of your lack of participation. Justice always starts with the cry for it, and just like African Americans cried for justice hundreds of years before they were heard, eventuality they were heard.

     Do not underestimate my resolve to obtain justice. My website shows the entire world that I cannot be frightened to stop. I will bother you, the president of the United States and everyone on the planet earth until someone listens to me.

     Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to review my complaint.



                                                                                         Cheryl D. Uzamere



Dean Schmoke's and Aberson François' Civil Rights Clinic's subordinate openly admitted to spending only a brief amount of time reviewing proof of the immigration and identity fraud that was committed against her.  Dean Schmoke and Aberson François subordinate knew or should have known that: 1) as an individual who is not a defendant in a federal or any other case, identity fraud victim would not be eligible for services; and 2) that identity fraud victim would not be eligible for services with Universal Legal Services because she does not live in its catchment area.  Why did  subordinate viciously refer identity fraud victim to places where she could not get help? (below are the useless referrals in the subordinate's own handwriting)


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).


HUSL's Civil Rights Division's employee's stupid, vicious, amoral admission of "briefly reviewing" identity fraud victim's complaints is her tacit admission of employing willful blindness to refuse to see proof of identity fraud victim's irrefutable assertions.  By the way, neither Dean Schmoke, Aberson François can challenge me with defamation per quod or per se, because truth is an affirmative defense to the charge of defamation (unless their case is assigned to a corrupt Ashkenazi judge -- who may be one of HUSL's funders).
